Price Structure and Cancellation Policy
1) We run structured 4-week program of Pilates classes with participants of similar ability to allow appropriate progression. In our experience this is the most effective and enjoyable way of experiencing Pilates.
2)Prices quoted relate to each 4-week course; payment of which will be due at the end of the first week’s session. We do not offer ‘drop-in’ sessions but would be happy to discuss 1:1 option.
3)We are unable to offer refunds for any sessions you are unable to attend.
4) We will make every effort not to cancel any of our scheduled sessions. On rare occasions we may provide an alternative instructor. This person will always be a physiotherapist with appropriate Pilates training. In the event that we have to cancel a class we will endeavor to re-schedule the class at the end of the program. If we are unable to do this, we will refund the cost of the cancelled class or carry it over to the next block.
Pilates Participation Informed Consent
Your Pilates program will begin at a low level and will be advanced in stages depending on your fitness level. We may stop the exercise session because of signs of fatigue or excessive strain. It is important for you to realise that you may stop when you wish whether from fatigue, discomfort or any other reason. Any exercise carries the possibility of certain dangers. They include abnormal blood pressure, fainting, irregular, fast or slow heart rhythms and in rare instances heart attack, stroke or death. Whilst every care is taken it is impossible to predict the body’s exact response to exercise. Every effort will be made to minimise risks by evaluation of the information you give to us, our assessment of your abilities and by observations during exercising.
I understand that with certain conditions a degree of undressing may be required during the assessment and that the Physiotherapist will explain this to me at the time.
I understand that the Pilates program will be specifically designed as a personal training plan and will take into account details given in my health questionnaire and assessment. Therefore, this program of exercise should only be undertaken when in a Pilates class or when I have been given specific instructions to exercise on my own. This information is protected by the Data Protection Act 1984.